On stage / 6 Nov.



We have been playing each week at the Jazz Voyeur Club in Buenos Aires. Very special guests have been joining us, such as Katie Viqueira (pictured here), Daniel Garcia, Ariel Prat, Guillermo Fernandez, Caracol… and the list goes on.

Jazz Voyeur ClubKatie & Maria

We’ve also been playing private events around town, such as the corporate gig shown here.

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But, most of all we have been catching up with old friends, such as “Sapo” Miodownik, master percussionist and master mate maker (as are all Uruguayans), who gave me a class in proper mate technique; the “murguero” Ariel Prat; dear friend and producer Veronica Scally with Lulu Ferrer; and indigenous composer/entrepreneur/activist Juan Namuncura.
Sapo Miodownikmate lessonAriel PratVero Scally & Luluwith Juan Namuncura at Cafe Tortoni


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