Category: Little Epiphanies
Night-Blooming Jasmine
Listen: Sometimes as I am walking home late at night, I scent her fragrance. No matter the exhaustion of all that has come before, no matter the exhaustion of all that is to come, these things mean exactly nothing when I feel her near. She waits, no doubt, for moments such as these: summer nights.…
Hotel York
Listen to “Hotel York” here: What I like best about the Hotel York is its sign. Faded, over-sized and garish, it is a sign that tells a nuanced story. It is most definitely a sign worth crossing the street for. Which, of course, I did. I had set out for a walk, alone but for…
Colectivo Dreams
Listen here: This is a re-vamped, expanded version of an article I originally wrote for the Buenos Aires Herald in 2001. It makes me a bit wistful. I’m generally forgiving about technological change and modernization and try my best to embrace it but I truly miss those old buses, the colectivos, of Buenos Aires. Sadly,…
Listen: When you and most of the world go to sleep, I come out of my sheath and comb through the words that have been discarded, sorting and separating them into small piles on the floor around me. I contemplate the tattered shreds of Webster’s Unabridged, its once-proud onionskin papers turned to translucent confetti. No…
Listen Here: Our trip began in the percolating crowds of Plaza Once. We caught the #32 bus, which would leave us at Puente de la Noria. It used to be one of the entry ways to the great city from the Pampas but today it is the bridge over the moat holding back the poverty…
Looking for Little Red Riding Hood
Listen here: Some time ago, I went looking for Little Red Riding Hood. Turns out, she wasn’t so easy to find. The tale begins some years back when a taxi driver, a decorated veteran of potholes, traffic jams and crooked cops, bragged to me, “Ah, I know this city like the back of my hand.…
Poems That Move
Listen: After all the subway harangues, the sales pitches for chocolate bars, the children begging, the young men with booming voices waving prescriptions they can’t fill – all wanting money – it is a relief when at last the poets come. They are soft-spoken if they speak at all. They are well but simply dressed…
Filling Empty Spaces
Listen: The world is a mix of empty and filled spaces that yearn towards each other. Nature, they say, abhors a vacuum and it seems to be a universal mandate that empty spaces must be filled. Yet, as we all know, the empty spaces remain. A friend whose life is full writes to say that…
Small Notebook #117
Small Notebook #117 is an unassuming pocket notebook small enough to be carried everywhere – which I do. It succeeded Small Notebook #116 and a long line of Small Notebooks stretching back across time to Small Notebook #1. When it is retired, it will take its rightful place on top of a distinguished stack of…