Author: KCF

  • Resurrection


    listen: I was born luminous And remember the light That burned within But one day that light Was snuffed out Left to smoulder Now there are so many things I would like to believe But can’t It is in the darkness Sadly, that I find The lasting truths Do not be afraid of the dark…

  • As I Am

    As I Am

    Listen… I crave to be taken as I am Unvarnished Raw Contradictory Exploratory Unfinished I was brought into this world Raw and bathed in bodily fluids God knows I have chased the bodily fluids Merging mine with theirs Coveting the spontaneous combustion Of chest against chest Of lips against lips The only sin is Not…

  • The Butterfly’s Tattoo

    The Butterfly’s Tattoo

    A butterfly tattoo at the milonga provokes a meditation on the beauty and tragedy of life.

  • New Year. New Story.

    New Year. New Story.

    Listen: It’s a new year and it feels like a good time to write a new story.  A fever came over me on New Year’s Eve and I took it as a good omen: I will purge the old through sweat and heat and prepare myself for something new. Like a controlled fire in a…

  • A Flower, a Book and a Dream

    A Flower, a Book and a Dream

    Carmen Mesa, Bailaora (in a still from the video “9 Vidas” by Macarena Zorraquín & Juampi Correa) Listen: Carmen, lying on the floor where the sunlight is streaming in from the north-facing window, looks up from her book and stares out the window. There is a flower in her hair, one she picked from a…

  • Overheated City

    Overheated City

    “David” – Mural by Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada en San Telmo, Buenos Aires. Listen to audio: I have two ways of seeing this city, each a faithful expression of my own shifting nature. Sometimes she is the purest expression of repose, like water running beside a riverbank. Other times, she is a cauldron of bubbles and fumes…

  • Take My Hand

    Take My Hand

    Listen: One morning, before going to school — I guess I needed the silence of mornings back then too — I started drawing on a large pad made for such a purpose. The paper was thick and slightly rough so that the graphite would come off the pencil and stick to the surface. I drew…

  • In the Land of Make-Believe

    In the Land of Make-Believe

    Blink first, you lose (Photo by KCF, Buenos Aires, 2023) Listen: I went on a date the other night, an artist date.  Anyone familiar with Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” (and if you are an artist of any ilk, aspiring or otherwise, you should be) knows the concept of the artist date: “The Artist Date,”…

  • El Afilador: On the Cutting Edge

    El Afilador: On the Cutting Edge

    Knife sharpener, Buenos Aires, 1870. Source: Archivo General de la Nación Argentina Listen to the story: Bonus: Two afiladores announcing their services, Buenos Aires, 2023: I have my own pantheon of local gods. At the center stands the sage taxi driver. Then comes the vegetable stand proprietor, the fellow at the newspaper kiosk, the street…